Legal Notices
Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Luxembourg S.A. (hereafter “the Bank”), whose head office is situated 28 Boulevard de Kockelscheuer, L-1821 Luxembourg, is a limited liability company under Luxembourg law and registered with the Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés in Luxembourg under number B13859, fiscal number 1976 2200 506, VAT number LU 109 676 28, and is subject to the supervision of the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF). The Bank is a member of Intesa Sanpaolo Banking Group registered with the Italian register of Banking Groups.
The use of this site is governed by this present notice and for the secured client area by specific conditions. By continuing navigation, site users accept the contents hereof.
Site users
This site aims to inform both clients, via the secured area, and third parties of the Bank’s activities. However, services offered on the Site are available to Bank clients only. Access to the Site is not intended in jurisdictions where the publication or the availability of such information is not allowed. In particular, the Site is not aimed at US Persons, as such term if defined under the laws of the United States of America.
The Bank assumes in no case any responsibility whatsoever for any eventual direct or indirect damage that may be incurred or sustained by the use of the Site or of information or services made available on the Site.
Technical issues could lead the Bank to suspend services offered. Circumstances allowing, the Bank shall notify users of interruptions, and will do its utmost to restore the connection as soon as possible. Nevertheless, the Bank may not be held responsible for these interruptions nor for delays in restoring the connection.
The Bank cannot guarantee the accuracy, up-to-date nature, completeness, quality or reliability of information available on the Site.
Each access to the Site is deemed to have taken place at the registered office of the Bank, on the dates and at the times recorded on its server, the Bank’s connection register prevailing.
Information available on the Site
The information available on the Bank site is exclusively indicative and may not be considered as financial, legal, accounting or fiscal advice. The information does not constitute an offer, recommendation or solicitation to invest, purchase or sell any securities, instruments or financial products in general. The fact that the Bank describes its services and products on the Site does not mean that these are necessarily appropriate for the user of the Site.
In addition, the Bank reserves the right to modify contents of or to prevent access to the Site at any time.
Third party links
The Site may contain links to other sites. These links are provided for user convenience only and therefore the Bank cannot be held responsible for the content of such sites. The fact that the site may be linked to other sites does not mean that the Bank controls, sanctions or finances any of such sites, nor that it is a member, owner or manager of any of such sites.
No link may be made to the Site without the prior written consent of the Bank. The Bank may not be held responsible for links to the Site from third party sites.
Intellectual property rights
The Bank is the owner of brands, logos and elements appearing on the Site. Any translation, adaptation, complete or partial replication, by any means, cannot be done without the Bank’s permission.
Confidentiality and protection of personal data
Services directly executed on the site imply personal data processing in accordance with the law of 1st August 2018 as amended. By the signing of an access agreement for the Bank’s Internet service, the user agrees to personal data processing. Moreover, communication of personal data is required to access certain areas of the Site. The Bank undertakes to use this information only as contractually agreed and in compliance with Luxembourg laws concerning personal data processing. The user has a right of access to and correction of his personal data in accordance with applicable laws.
If the user refuses computerized handling of his personal data, he may not have access to the services offered on the Site.
We would like to remind you that data confidentiality is not guaranteed on the Internet web.
It is furthermore recommended that the user take all necessary measures to protect his computer against possible viruses.
Use of cookies
Cookies are little data files used by the majority of internet sites. They are saved on the user’s hardware, in order to recognize him when he connects to the Site. Cookies enable the Bank to identify a client immediately and to customize his experience. Nevertheless, cookies do not hold any sensitive data.
Applicable law and competent jurisdiction
Applicable law if that of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg law. In case of litigation, the courts of and in Luxembourg have jurisdiction.
This notice and the Site are available in a number of languages: in case of discrepancy between the various versions, the French version shall prevail.